- Good for small-large aquariums.
- Easy to keep Active fish.
- Current size = 3-4cm
- Adult size = can grow up to 12cm in length.
- Omnivore, feed regular tropical foods.
- Recommended temperature range: 24-27C
- Origin: Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, Africa; specifically from the Bemba region in Zambia.
- Lifespan: 5–10 years with proper care.
- The Tropheus Dubosi is renowned for its striking black body contrasted with a dotted white spots around it's body, giving it a pleasant appearance,
- Males and females share similar coloration, though males may be slightly larger and more robust.
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive and territorial, especially among their own kind and during breeding. Best kept in groups to disperse aggression.
- Social Structure: Thrives in groups of at least 6–10 to mimic natural social dynamics and reduce stress.
- Activity: Very active swimmers, often grazing on algae-covered surfaces.
Aquarium Requirements:
Water Conditions:
- pH: 8.0–9.0 (alkaline)
- Temperature: 24–27°C (75–81°F)
- Hardness: 10–20 dGH
- Decor: Rocky structures with plenty of hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat. Sand or fine gravel substrate. Avoid plants, as they may be uprooted.
- Filtration: Strong filtration and regular water changes to maintain pristine conditions.
- Primary Diet: Herbivore; primarily consumes algae in the wild.
Recommended Foods:
- Spirulina-based flakes and pellets.
- Blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach.
- Avoid high-protein foods as they can cause digestive issues (e.g., Malawi bloat).
- Type: Maternal mouthbrooders.
- Behavior: Females carry fertilized eggs in their mouths for 20–30 days until fry are released.
- Setup: Provide plenty of hiding spaces for fry to escape predation.
- Fry Care: Feed fry crushed spirulina flakes or specialized herbivore fry food.
- Best kept with other Tropheus species or similarly sized and temperament-compatible cichlids from Lake Tanganyika.
- Avoid aggressive or predatory fish that may stress or harm them.
The Tropheus Dubosi is a very captivating addition to cichlid-focused aquariums, rewarding diligent care with its stunning patterns and dynamic behavior.
If you have any questions or problems feel free to contact us!
Postage costs
All small products, plant or snail orders are $3.99 flat postage. Large products, plant or snail orders are $10.99 tracked postage.
Express is a flat $13.99 no matter the order size other than a few specific giant items (like big tanks).
Any larger tanks are a flat $39 postage. We price the tanks at the Pickup price, and postage always costs us more than $50 for them, so we have to charge a bit extra.
Live Goods and Postage
All live goods are sent with express post for a flat $13.99. Purchases for the week will be cut off SUNDAY - 8pm. All orders placed after that time may be sent on the following week.
Pickup is from our store located at: 153/313 Harris St, Pyrmont, Sydney, NSW. Please let us know before you come after placing your order so we can confirm it will be ready then.
Terms and Conditions
We will refund or replace any livestock that arrives DOA (Dead on Arrival) but cannot guarantee your order will arrive on time since we have no control over the postage service. If you have any issues with your order please let us know.