Affiliate Commissions

  • Do you have an audience who might like our products?
  • Are you regularly recommending us to your friends already?

Why not get paid for it then!

Our flat affiliate commission is 10%, that means if someone buys $40 worth of stock, you get $4. 

If you would like to get right into it, sign up at our affiliate program below, get your affiliate link and start getting commissions immediately!

Sydney Aquascapes Affiliate Portal

Getting Started

  1. After signing up on our portal, edit your referral code by going into Account -> Referral Url, then fill in your custom referral code. 
  2. On the home page, get your standard referral link, or paste a specific product to get a referral link for that product.
  3. Get paid for each customer who makes a purchase until 30 days after clicking on your link!